jeudi 30 avril 2009

5 arguments for legalisation of prostitution

1. Legalization of prostitution will create a consistency between all the laws on prostitution In fact, laws allow the prostitution but they forgive prostitute soliciting, pimps and brothels but they can’t control activity of call-girl and student who purpose their service on internet.

2. It’s time to accept that prostitute is a profession. She doesn’t sell his body but sexual service. Tell that sexuality can’t be sold, it’s a conservative mind spirit and misogynous idea of sexuality. Prostitution is sometimes the only way for sexuality and pleasure to handicapped and disabled. Prostitute have a social and human profession. Some of them said that the society judgement about them is harder than the profession.

3. Legalization of prostitution and reopening of brothels are the only means to protect really prostitute. Their conditions of work will be safer and healthier, for them and their clients. They would have sanitary control. If they wouldn’t work in street, quotidian violence and policy harassment will stop.

4. Legalization of prostitution is the best way to fight against criminality and violence on sex market, an industry how constitutes the third resource of criminal network, after drugs and guns traffics. In rich country pimps win about 150 000 $ per year with a prostitute work. But she win only a few part of all this money. Legalisation of their job let to girls to win more money and to government, because they create directly a tax on prostitute work and brothels.

5. Legalisation is the only system how can answer really to preoccupation of habitant where there is this activity. In 1985, that’s the point of view of Fraser, a special committee on prostitution and pornography create by Canadian government.

5 Argument against prostitution

1. Canadian system and another are not inconsistent, they are pragmatic. They realise that it’s impossible to stop the sex market and the trade of sexual service, so it’s useless to purchase prostitute. Canade like France and UK chose to fight indirectly against prostitution. Government with a abolitionist approach punish pimps and soliciting. If we legalise prostitution activities spread, but we need to contain them. And total repression is unrealistic.

2. Considerate prostitution like a job, it’s accepting women exploitation. It’s destroying all efforts on sex equality. It’s justified the right of clients and pimps with sale et purchase of a body. It’s forget that prostitution is at 90 % marginalized and drugs users women, more than half have been sexually abused during their childhood. It’s forget that have sexual relations impersonal and repeated lead to a desensitisation on body and feeling, how can conducted to depression or suicide.

3. Legalise prostitution don’t protect prostitute. In UK and Germany, where prostitution is legal since 2001 and 2000, experience show that many prostitutes are foreign and without papers can’t access to sanitary and juridical system. Legalisation doesn’t stop violence or contempt of population.

4. Legalisation of prostitution participates to OC mondial. Abroad, opening and success of brothels lead a search of cheap workers, how use directly women traffic. In Nederland, numbers of these women from East and Central Europa was tripled. Quebec, already considered like a area to tourism sexual in North America will see this trade grown very speedy.

5. Legalisation of prostitution is a political defeat. In Germany, cities of more than 150 000 habitants must obligatory reserve 7 to 10 % of their territory to prostitution areas. In Australia, the Daily planet the biggest brothel of Melbourne (between 100 and 150 girls) is listed since February 2003. Is this acceptable? Sweden have a better approach, considerating that if there is no clients, there is no prostitute, so they punish pimps and clients. Government has developed help services to prostitute : sanitary and education. Clients are gone, trafficants target another country : Sweden win !

mardi 28 avril 2009

AIDS : Prostitution has been a major theme in discussions about the global AIDS epidemic

Prostitution is a major theme about the discussions about the global AIDS epidemic.
In fact, the risks to have AIDS
- The first cause reason of the HIV infections is the transmission of the virus during paid sex in many countries.
However, while the HIV prevalence is high in some country like Asia, where many prostitutes are living with this virus, in North America and in Europe, this transmission through paid sexe is not considered to be a major issue. It’s often due to miserable condition of prostitution in low incomes countries. Despite, a few little more money, prostitutes don’t use condoms.
touristic countries, as the Caribbean, prostitution serves both many tourists and local clients.
- A second reason can be sex workers who injected drugs
, sharing needles. ( especially in China, India, Ukraine)
For example, in Vietnam, a study found that 49% of prostitutes who use drugs were HIV positive, compared to 8% those who didn’t use any drugs.
- Man who has sexe with man

It is particularly important that sex workers gain access to HIV prevention and treatment programmes.
However, we have to think that sex workers use condoms more consistently than other populations similar in age, race, and sex…

Presentation of an association specialized in helping prostitutes.

This association was created in the 90’s by (ex) prostitutes to meet each other in a bus to talk about their problems or just to tchat with others girls.
The Bus of the Women circulates through various places of prostitution of Ile-de-France since 1990. It was chosen, at the origin of the project, by the persons of the community as place of meeting, information and exchange.

During the durabilities, the association has prevention equipment (male and feminine condoms, lubricating gels…) of warm and cold drinks, cakes…
There are associative premises, a place of reception during the day where people who work in prostitution world can come to talk, to have a social or a medical assistance. Association members can help them to find another job too if they want to. Literacy, Arts, and Cooking lessons can be taught.
To sum up, the association permit prostituted people to accompany them concerning:
- financial problems, relating to health or accommodations
- administrative or juridical steps
- psychological or/and moral support
- professional reorientation, job or formation hunting, or economical activities creation.
For further information :

dimanche 5 avril 2009

What « pimps » ?

« pimps » it’s the name of men who find and manage women and boys for prostitution and then engages them... Pimping is illegal in many countries.

More and more cities and government focus more on identifying the arrest pimps (johns in slang term) rather than the repression of prostitution and the arrest of prostitutes ... Breakthrough!!!

Interview in San fransisco